Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Data-Driven Documents

Data-Driven Documents

(#pcdirt) Pertinent Contextual Data In Real Time

A CTO and head of the Research & Development efforts a year ago saw potential in a not so well known technology to the AEC. He saw the potential to share Pertinente Contextual Data In Real Time (#pcdirt). We have lots of data but making sense of it quickly and visually is just what we need. Data-Driven Documents commonly referred to as D3 can help make data visually easy to understand and have the ability to updated in real time. 

the CTO and Darick Brokaw began prototyping in early 2016 a system that combined the use of D3, AutoLISP, & AutoCAD data. The objective was not to look for a single type of data and understand it but rather to begin to look at several types of data and then begin to see what correlation may be discovered via computer computation. If there ways an objective at best it was to test the technologies together and develop workflows that can inform our thinking about the future of data-science at the A&E firm. 

Below is the first successful D3 prototype from January of this year. Number of AutoCAD layers per drawing with a graphic horizontal bar chart integrated.

What came next was unexpected. Twitter is a great way to keep up with the pace of technology with its constant stream of what new. While in bed reviewing all that one might have missed for the day, there it was. Konrad K Sobon had done it again! Ever the Dynamite Dynamo developer, Konrad has built and published a new Dynamo package "Mandrill". Konrad has brought D3 and Dynamo together. Please see his page for the full story about this wonderful tool. 

What is interesting is that per Konrad's page he to discovered D3 about the same time. We are excited to know we are in good company with regards to our thinking about the use of technology. the future of our industry is changing in unforeseen ways at a pace that is both impressive and daunting at the same time.

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